TASH Wellness Blog
Polls show that we value our health more than anything. People over 50 say they want to maintain their independence and enjoy the life they want to live for as long as possible. ...more
Active Aging ,Senior Exercise Senior health Self-Care Group training Strength training &Women and exercise
May 16, 2024•3 min read
Up to 80% of adults in Western countries have back pain at some point in their lives. It’s chronic for some & can be debilitating. It can be hard to figure out why it’s happening or how to feel better... ...more
Senior Exercise ,Self-Care Strength training &Back Pain
May 16, 2024•2 min read
Whether you made a resolution to get fit or just renewed your commitment to exercise and eat right, we’re here to keep you going throughout the year with these 19 reasons to stick with it. ...more
Active Aging ,Senior Exercise Senior health Group training &Strength training
April 18, 2024•2 min read
Stress is a killer, but we’re not helpless against it. Regular physical exercise is one of the top defenses we have, no matter what age we are. ...more
Senior Exercise ,Senior health &Stress
April 09, 2024•3 min read
How do you want to be seen now and as you continue to mature? If you’re like most people, you want to continue aging as your own fabulous self, not as some stereotype society imposes on “older” people... ...more
Active Aging ,Senior Exercise Senior health &Women and exercise
April 04, 2024•2 min read
It might not seem possible right now, but springtime is just around the corner. Whether you’ve been staying active all winter or not, it’s not too soon to start thinking about amping up your exercise ... ...more
Active Aging ,Senior Exercise Senior health Self-Care Group training Strength training &Women and exercise
April 04, 2024•2 min read
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